Social media

The Progressivists is a forward-thinking social movement dedicated to progression, inclusion, innovation, and collaboration.


Vision: to build a progressive world through climate, civil and racial justice

  • Strategies: to combat regressive mis- and disinformation, and platform progressive ideas and marginalized voices.

  • Tactics: original and researched content creation, collaborative platforming, political/community organizing, and actionable next-step campaigns.

  • Culture: progressive and inclusive community amplification.


The Progressivists is one of the most pertinent political accounts in the United States, followed by numerous activists, authors, celebrities, influencers, journalists, organizers, and politicians — yet, more importantly, by a progressive-stronghold community of 845k+ people dedicated to creating enduring, innovative change in our world. The account remains consistently relevant due to its bastion community and declaration to amplify marginalized voices.

While most big political accounts center the account owners as the pinnacle force of the account, The Progressivists does just the opposite and is true to its word of progressive and inclusive community amplification. The account is not about the co-founders, or their CVs. It is not about going viral, followed by a sales push. But it is about underscoring marginalized voices, propelling progressive ideas, and facilitating authentic action.


The Progressivists was first created (under a different and most glorious name!) in 2016 to fight mis- and disinformation. Since then, for the last seven years, the account has been with its strong-hold community through every topsy-turvy political occurrence and is committed to always facilitating a progressive space.


The Progressivists account is a labor of love for the co-founders and correspondents, who are unpaid for their time and efforts on the account. The team works to combat regressive mis- and disinformation, platform progressive ideas and marginalized voices, organize rallies/events, and create actionable next-step campaigns because they believe in a progressive future. Keeping the account as a volunteer platform means the owners and team are not compromised in their output (yet, it also means they cannot be all things, to all people, all the time).

We are a community dais for progressivism.
However, we are not the tone police, nor are we here to cancel individuals.

We are a forward-thinking bulletin board.
Yet, we are not here to dichotomize. 

We are committed to climate, civil and racial justice.
But we are a small team who cannot do everything.

We are not perfect.
However, we have sincere intentions.

If you want to know more about the team posting behind the scenes, read about them here (please note: not all correspondents are listed). But please know we don't need you to look — we just need you to continue to push for progressivism.