SCOTUS overturns Roe V Wade

"You're taking things way too personally"

"Gaww, relax already!"

"It won't affect you, don't worry"

"Honestly, who cares?!"

Over the years, we’ve had this said to us more times than we care to remember. Friends, acquaintances, internet strangers. A constant barrage of insinuation that we’re over-reacting to America’s growing fundamentalist, patriarchal, white supremacist society — that there are more pressing things to worry about in life, like whether little Johnny Jr will get into the U9 A-grade soccer team.

Fuck all those people.

Forced pregnancy is a *very official* crime against humanity (Source: United Nations) with six in ten Americans agreeing abortion should be legal in all or most cases (Source: Pew Research) — yet extremist right-wing SCOTUS fuckers have entirely disregarded these facts, with full knowledge of the level of division that would ensue.

Serious shit is going on in the world. Baby formula shortages. Food shortages. Famines. Increasingly extreme weather patterns. Mass shootings. Climate refugee crisis. Yet, rather than focus on these fundamental issues — the things happening in real-time that will affect all of us — right-wing politicians and SCOTUS wackos are instead working around the clock to create additional problems to avoid human improvement. It is NOT about aiding Republican voters or enhancing patriots’ lives; it is about oWnInG tHe LiBs, empowered by their manipulated extremist voting block and the people that do and say NOTHING.

Fundamentalist evangelicals use the Bible to argue that abortion is murder. But, scientists do not believe that — different religions do not believe that — atheists do not believe that. So what happened to the separation of state and church?

SCOTUS' decision is a human rights violation, emboldening fundamentalist nutbags into thinking that their brand of God has answered their prayers. American women's rights are currently being violated, forcibly pushed back half a century while fundamentalists feel God has vindicated them — and make no mistake, this will have a knock-on effect to extremists worldwide.

But yeah, great job pressuring Johnny into that soccer team he hates.



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June 16: On This Day